Christmas was spent in Colorado this year. We had a lot of fun with all of the family even though it was freezing cold. The news said that where we were was the coldest place in the country on Christmas Eve and it was -22 degrees. It never made it much above 0 degrees the whole time we were there. We had fun making gingerbread houses. Matt really got into it and even made a hot tub in the back.

It was really cute on Christmas Eve because the cousins all put out cookies they made and an orange and carrots for the reindeer. The oldest cousin, Caylee wrote a letter to Santa from all of the cousins and they all signed the bottom. Kaleb was so excited about the letter he had to sit on the table and watch.

Christmas morning all of the kids were up bright and early and were anxious to open presents. There was wrapping paper everywhere. Kaleb was so excited about every present and as they passed out the presents if he heard his name he would jump up and start waving his hands. It was neat to see how excited he was and how happy he was to get a present.

After opening everything Kaleb said "Santa is so nice to me." I thought it was cute. Matt was in the corner with presents and paper all around him.

This is the one attempt we made at taking the kids outside. We bundled them up as much as we could while still allowing them to waddle and they lasted about 5 minutes before they were freezing cold and wanted to come back in.

On the drive down to Matt's parents we stopped by the mall in Grand Junction to get out and walk around and we parked by this truck. Kaleb thought it was pretty cool.

We had a great Christmas. We're happy to be home although we're leaving tonight for another short trip up to Logan for New Years. I can't believe another year has gone. I also can't believe I'm nearing the end of being pregnant. I'm excited but nervous and I can't wait to welcome a new addition to our family.
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