We had a great Christmas. We're happy to be home although we're leaving tonight for another short trip up to Logan for New Years. I can't believe another year has gone. I also can't believe I'm nearing the end of being pregnant. I'm excited but nervous and I can't wait to welcome a new addition to our family.
Friday, December 28, 2007
We had a great Christmas. We're happy to be home although we're leaving tonight for another short trip up to Logan for New Years. I can't believe another year has gone. I also can't believe I'm nearing the end of being pregnant. I'm excited but nervous and I can't wait to welcome a new addition to our family.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I have a baby too!
Just before bed Kaleb came out of his room with one of his balls stuffed under his pajama shirt and came and told me that he had a baby too. Just like mommy he had a baby inside of his tummy. He thought he was pretty clever for thinking it up on his own so we had to take a picture. It was good to have a laugh after what we had just come home to. We came home from Sunday dinner and I heard dripping in our living room and found that we had water leaking onto our presents that were wrapped and under the tree. The tree is by our sliding glass door and there must be ice build-up on the patio above ours. So we had to unwrap a couple of our presents and air them out. We were lucky that the new printer we had under the tree was wrapped in plastic inside the box because the water was dripping right onto the box.
Other than that we had a pretty slow weekend. We ended up staying home on Friday and Saturday night which never happens but Matt has finals this week so it was nice that he had some time to study. I can't believe I'm almost 31 weeks. Only 2 more months until we have a baby again. It seems like it has been forever since Kaleb was a baby. We're excited for Christmas and I can't believe it's only a couple of weeks away. Kaleb wrote (well, colored) a letter to Santa this year and he would like "Bumblebee, a fishing rod, and a helicopter". That's what he tells everyone. If anyone knows anything about these Bumblebee action figures from Transformers they're extremely hard to find. We were constantly driving to different Wal-marts and finally an associate told us there is only 1 bumblebee per box and so you have to come right as they're stocking the shelves and hope there aren't other "collectors" (or as I like to think people who sell them for double on ebay) there waiting. So Matt was a trooper one night and woke up at 1:30am and went to all the Wal-marts and arrived home at 4:30am with Bumblebee in hand. Santa has a hard job but I guess someone has to do it. And not only that but Matt wrapped all of the presents this year. Usually my job and he was nice and took care of everything already. He's a great Santa!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Fall Pictures
I'm excited for Thanksgiving this week. I love turkey and especially leftover turkey sandwiches. Kaleb can't wait for Christmas. He is all about Bumblebee from Transformers. I keep telling him to ask Santa to bring it for him. I don't think he understands what I'm saying though. He can see some of the presents for other people up in our closet and so he thinks that they're all for him even though I keep assuring him they aren't for him and that Santa brings his presents. Kids are funny!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Saturday night we had a party with all of our friends and their kids. Tuesday was the trunk-or-treat and Kaleb left with a big bag of candy. Wednesday morning he had a party at preschool and then we went trick-or-treating that night. Kaleb isn't a chocolate person and so most of the candy he could care less about but the gum and suckers are his favorite.
Here's video of Kaleb trying to eat the donut.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Autumn Is Here
Yesterday we went up Millcreek Canyon to look at the leaves and go for a walk. Kaleb loves running around in the mountains. He loves the water, rocks, and sticks, just like any other boy does. We had a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa Snell this weekend. On Monday we went to Thanksgiving Point and Gardner Village. Kaleb loved Farm Country. He went on a couple of pony rides and a wagon ride and loved the horses. As soon as we got off of the wagon ride he wanted to go again. He also loved feeding the chickens and goats.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Halloween Time!
Kaleb is going to be a pirate for Halloween. Matt and I aren't sure what we're dressing up as. I'm not sure what will work with my belly but I'm sure we can come up with something.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
It's a BOY!!

Yes, we are having another boy! We really wanted a boy and so we're really excited. Kaleb is excited to be having a baby brother.
The two pictures on the right show the boy features. The picture below is with the baby's hands by his face. I'm almost 21 weeks and it's nice to hit the half-way point.
The baby kicks all the time and I love feeling him because it makes everything seem more real.

Last weekend we took Kaleb to the zoo. We have a yearly pass and it's so nice to be able to go whenever we want and not have to pay. He loves the monkey's the most. There was a new baby and as Kaleb was eating chips he came over to the window and kept putting his orange peel on the window where Kaleb was. It looked like he was showing off his food to Kaleb.
It has been a pretty normal week. I did go out after I found out it was a boy to buy some material for baby blankets. Matt has been really busy between work and homework. I don't know how he does it all but he always seems to get everything done. We are looking forward to Grandpa Gary and Grandma Rue coming out from Colorado for the weekend!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Yesterday we went to Jordanelle Reservoir. Kaleb mastered fishing after about 4 straight hours of casting and reeling the line in. He loved it. Even though he didn't catch any fish he was just as excited to see the moss on the line. He also loved riding in the boat. Better get your fishing pole dusted off Grandpa Gary, because Kaleb wants to go fishing when you come out.
Matt rode on a tube and by the end of the day tried surfing. It took him awhile to get up because your feet aren't attached to the board and you ride the wake behind the boat.
Friday night we played games with Matt and Melanie and their cute daughter Leah spoon fed Kaleb a yogurt. It was so cute! We had to take a picture.
Friday, September 7, 2007
School Time
Kaleb started preschool today! We were going to wait until next year but my aunts friend had an opening in her preschool. He goes two times a week and there are eight kids. He was so excited to go out and buy a new backpack for school. He told every stranger in the store about his new backpack for school.
September 28th is the big day. We'll get to find out if the baby is a boy or girl.
Matt has been enjoying his classes so far. He has a lot of homework but so far he has been keeping up. On Labor Day we went up to Park City to do some shopping at the Outlet stores. We found some great deals on clothes and Matt even got a couple things for the new baby which he is convinced is a boy. But we'll find out soon!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Hopefully this blog will make it easier for family to keep up with what's going on in our family. As most of you know we're expecting baby #2 February 13, 2008. We're very excited and so far everything is going great. Kaleb is excited to have a baby brother or a baby sister. It changes just about everyday.

Kaleb turned 3 in June. He loves playing at the park and going swimming. It will be sad when the pool at our apartment closes for the winter because it has been so convenient.
Matt starts school at the University of Utah next week. Only two more years, hopefully. I'm still managing apartments. We recently had a drunk man run into an apartment through the window and that was definitely one of the more exciting things that's happened lately. I can't believe it's been over 3 years that I've been managing apartments. It's definitely worth it but I will also be happy when we aren't in an apartment anymore.

In June we went to the Havasupai Indian Reservation where you hike about 12 miles down to a campground and there are waterfalls to swim in and it's really pretty. It's part of the southern side of the grand canyon. I've been 3 times and Matt is already excited about going again. After the trip we went and stayed in Payson, Arizona and we were able to see where Matt was born and raised. He said nothing has really
changed from what he remembered. They have a lot of the same schools and stores when they lived there. Then we were able to go up to Colorado where Kaleb was staying with all of his cousins. It sounds like they had a busy but fun week.
And yes, if you look close that is Matt jumping off of the waterfall.
As brave as he may look he sure took his time until he finally had the courage to jump. Some may ask why I didn't jump but I've jumped off of this waterfall on a previous trip and I already knew I was pregnant (even though no one else did) and I know how hard you hit the water. So I didn't think it was a very good idea, so, I let Matt have all the fun!

Kaleb turned 3 in June. He loves playing at the park and going swimming. It will be sad when the pool at our apartment closes for the winter because it has been so convenient.
Matt starts school at the University of Utah next week. Only two more years, hopefully. I'm still managing apartments. We recently had a drunk man run into an apartment through the window and that was definitely one of the more exciting things that's happened lately. I can't believe it's been over 3 years that I've been managing apartments. It's definitely worth it but I will also be happy when we aren't in an apartment anymore.

In June we went to the Havasupai Indian Reservation where you hike about 12 miles down to a campground and there are waterfalls to swim in and it's really pretty. It's part of the southern side of the grand canyon. I've been 3 times and Matt is already excited about going again. After the trip we went and stayed in Payson, Arizona and we were able to see where Matt was born and raised. He said nothing has really
And yes, if you look close that is Matt jumping off of the waterfall.

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