We watched the 4th of July parade with family. The guys don't really care about the parade but thankfully it was one of the coolest mornings I think we've ever had for the parade which made it nice.
Olivia loves waving and getting candy!
July 4, 2019
After we went to my parents for a big breakfast and water games in the backyard.
The little kids and big kids seem to love playing with water balloons!
My brother's baby, Corey, was born on July 3rd and so we were able to stop by and see him in the hospital.
Olivia can't get enough of babies so she loved holding him and looking at him.
We ended the night with fireworks at my parents so that we could see Murray Park's firework show from their yard.
The next day we went back to the hospital to see the baby again.
July 5, 2019
Induction Day! I was scheduled to be induced the 12th but I could see online they had me scheduled to come in the night before and also the morning of the 12th. So I wasn't sure exactly what time it would be but the day before (the 10th) they called and said I was first on the schedule to come in and that they would call sometime after 6 and tell us when to come in.
Since I've never been induced it was weird walking around all day knowing I was going to be going to the hospital later. Olivia had swimming lessons and this is us on the way there. After her lessons another lady told me hopefully not too much longer and I was happy to reply that tonight I was going in to have the baby.
July 11, 2019
One last mirror bump selfie at 37 weeks.

It felt like forever just waiting around for the call. My sister came over since she was going to spend the night with the kids so we just waited for the call. The didn't call around sometime after 7 and told us to be there at 8:45pm. I was already a 3 when we arrived and they started the Pitocin at a level 4 and each hour gradually increased it. At 10pm I was 4cm but stayed there for awhile. They also then realized that they called me in earlier than my doctor wanted. He was surprised I was there and wasn't on call until the morning and wanted me to come in then. So everything was kind of put on hold around 1:30 and they backed off the Pitocin and said I should get the epidural and try to get some sleep. With 4 of us in one room we weren't going to get much sleeping done so I told Matt he could head home and just come back around 5-6am. So he went home to at least get a little sleep. Logan tried sleeping on the couch and Liz in the reclining chair. The nurses were awesome to work with.
At 2:30 I had my epidural and stayed at 5cm until 5am. They started Pitocin at 5 and they broke my water at 6am. The next time they came in at 8 I was 10cm complete and ready to push. Only problem was we hadn't called the photographer to come in because we knew my last check I was at a 5. So we waited until she showed to start pushing.
I took this picture around 3am I think, I only slept for about 45 minutes during the night. It's so hard to sleep in hospitals especially when you're in labor.
July 12, 2019
These pictures are from the photographer Lauren Dautel.
Since I was pushing it was nice having pictures to look back at after of what went on during everything. I started pushing at 8:37 and he was born at 8:41am.
My doctor, Dr. Pierson is wonderful and thought the whole experience was so special.
They made sure it was okay that they placed Gabriel on my lap when he first came out and Logan cut the cord.
Gabriel Matthew Jorgensen
6lbs 6oz and 20 inches
I haven't seen a baby other than Gabriel that had such perfect colored skin after birth. Usually they're kind of purple or super pink etc. but he just had a perfect complexion and I still remember how much that stood out to me.
It's always so crazy to look at a baby after they were just inside of you for 9 months. Such an amazing miracle and I was so relieved he was here and healthy!
They let Liz and Logan have their own room which was awesome. This way I wasn't bothered with visitors (not that it's a bother though) but they could have their kids there and visitors and if I wanted to get some sleep or shower I didn't have to interfere with any of that. Especially when that first 12 hours you have nurses in your room constantly checking on everything it was nice for the privacy for that reason.
I had to screenshot these pictures because it was so cute to see Austin and Victoria seeing Gabe.
My parents came with my kids and so they were able to see and hold Gabe. They couldn't believe how small he was.

Liz took this picture of Olivia holding Gabe.

I was planning on leaving as soon as they would let me since there was no reason to have to stay plus I enjoy my own bed much more. This was the sunrise the next morning.
July 13, 2019
After eating breakfast and waiting for some medicine for me we stopped by to see Liz, Logan and all their kids. They were also hoping to be able to leave soon and just waiting on the pediatrician to clear the baby to go home since the nurses thought he would have to stay another night.
While we were in their room my meds showed up and so we were free to leave. Crazy that this whole journey was coming to an end especially because I feel like it went by so quick. Overall even with having to do meds and some issues it really was an easy pregnancy and the easiest delivery and recovery I had from all my pregnancies.
It might sound crazy and it kind of is but I had Gabe on Friday and was back to work on Tuesday. With not having a newborn to keep you up day and night it really helped with recovery and other than the usually stuff that comes with recovery, milk supply, soreness, etc. I felt great.
I posted this on instagram and wanted to post it here since I print my blog out into a book.
The question I get asked the most is if it was hard emotionally after carrying Gabriel to give him away? And really he was never mine to give away, I’m just returning him to his parents. 🙂 Before doing this I imagine that would be my first question too but having gone through this process I can honestly say it hasn’t been hard. It’s actually been the opposite. It has been so rewarding and the amount of joy I have felt seeing Liz and Logan see and hold their baby has been incredible. They have gone through more than most parents will ever go through and there aren’t two people more deserving. I feel so grateful they let me be a part of this amazing journey and it’s something I’ll never forget.
In the middle of the delivery we were scheduled to close on our cabin sale on Monday, July 15th so Matt and I went to sign the docs first thing Monday morning. It was bittersweet but the right move for us.
Matt had a couple days off and so he took the kids to Cowabunga Bay. Olivia has been begging to go there for years every time she would see if off of the freeway so she finally got to go.
July 16, 2019
Olivia loves to go to this park in Sandy, Big Bear park. The kids love the zipline they have there.
July 20, 2019
Matt called me and told me as he was exiting the freeway in North Salt Lake a lady didn't look for traffic pulled out of a gas station and t-boned him. It was a pretty hard hit and this is where his car ended up when it stopped. He was driving to a property to inspect it for work when it happened and so he had to go and stop at the doctors because he had a headache and his neck was hurting.
He drove really slow and was able to get the car to our house but the steering and everything was off. She hit him so hard the inside frame was pushed through the interior into the cabin area.
Long story short his car was totaled with all the damage and the lady's insurance which was our same insurance (Allstate) wouldn't even come close to blue book value. We were ticked but since we were both with Allstate there wasn't much we could do. We didn't have anyone fighting for us since they were on both ends. We tried what we could to get a fair settlement but they wouldn't budge. Matt had just bought this car from his parents just under a year earlier so we hadn't even had it a year when this happened.
So now we have had both of our cars totaled from other drivers hitting us and it stinks when you get screwed for doing nothing wrong. Oh the joys of adulthood. At least with my van Farmer's was awesome to work with and gave us the bluebook value right from the start. No complaints with how they handled it, it's just that we had to replace the car which is the not so fun part.
July 26, 2019
And just like when my van was totaled we were headed out of town that day too. We were going up to Boise where both of Matt's brothers had just moved to. We stopped at Shoshone Falls on the way.
July 26, 2019
The next day we went to tour the old Penitentiary buildings in Boise.
July 27, 2019
We had a fun weekend with family and the kids loved being around their cousins they don't get to see much. We had a BBQ and had a great time together. Matt's parents were on their mission so we took pictures together to send to them.
July 28, 2019
The rose starts I had some of them were growing. Unfortunately I think I killed them by keeping them too wet thinking that would be better but you shouldn't overwater them or they rot.
July 29, 2019
Our blackberries were also growing like crazy.
Anyone who knows Olivia very well knows she LOVES dessert. She has to have something for dessert just about every night. This was a marshmallow she was dipping in chocolate.
July 31, 2019
Matt went with Ashton's scout group to help out at camp.
July 31, 2019
Ashton loves doing target practice and learning about different types of guns.