Olivia loves picking flowers for me, especially dandelions!
October 2, 2015
The UVU campus in Heber had a 5K that I did with a couple of friends. I wasn't going to do it with my hip but we walked the whole time so it wasn't too bad. I love Heber even if it was rainy and cold this morning.
October 3, 2015
While I was doing that, Matt took the kids to the store and sent me this picture.
October 3, 2015
We spent the afternoon at the cabin and then came home so Matt could go to Priesthood. While the big boys went to the priesthood session of conference we had a craft night at our house with my mom and sister.
October 3, 2015
Olivia turned 3! She was so excited for her birthday so we added some candles to her breakfast so that we could sing to her.
October 4, 2015
(I now know "Moo Muffins" are what Clarabel makes on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but I had no idea that's what they were when filming this video!)
Olivia was excited for her new pink sparkly boots from Matt's parents.
Then she decided to be silly for pictures. She's full of personality!
That evening at Sunday dinner she had her "cake". She requested cheesecake and wanted Mickey, Minnie, Daisy and Clarabel on her cake.
She was excited to open more presents and squealed so loud as she saw what they were. It's crazy how fast 3 years went by but it's fun to see Olivia's outgoing personality.
Kaleb worked hard on his school project making his Egyptian sarcophagus. He used some nail polish for the shiny silver color and added glitter too. Olivia can't watch someone else painting without joining in on the fun so she made a mess with paint and glitter too.
October 7, 2015
I noticed this huge spiderweb in our backyard with a big cat-faced spider in the middle of it. The web was pretty impressive so I wanted to take pictures.
October 8, 2015
Then, as I was busy snapping away a wasp flew into the web and the spider immediately went and started spinning its web around it and then carried it to the middle of the web.
Kaleb was awarded the Student of the Month award for October 2015 for Murray School District. The superintendent gave him his award, certificate and most important a Cold Stone gift card. He received it for academics and being a leader and example in school.
October 8, 2015
I wanted to go up the canyon to take pictures of the kids and then my parents volunteered to come with so that we could be in some of them.
Olivia fell asleep on the drive up so she wasn't a happy camper for most of the pictures and I have lots of grumpy face pictures of her.
October 10, 2015

As it was getting dark quick the pictures were getting more grainy but I'm still glad we took the time to take some pictures with the fall leaves. It's my favorite time of year in the mountains.
Matt had sinus surgery to help him breath better and hopefully not have such bad sinus infections. The first thing he said after waking up was "I can breathe so much better". And that's with everything swollen right after surgery. He was definitely glad he did it.
Occasionally Zion's Bank will e-mail their employees with free Jazz tickets to that nights game so we were able to go a couple of times with the kids and my family too.
We spent another weekend up at our favorite place, the cabin. We always look forward to a big breakfast in the mornings.
October 24, 2015
Then we drove over to the reservoir to explore.
This log! Both of the boys were playing on it at separate times and both ended up falling in the water. Kaleb was trying to sit on the log and slipped forward and Ashton's foot slipped and he fell in. Their feet were soaked and we couldn't help but laugh.
Ashton always things he has to act cool in pictures like this so I have to say something to make him laugh to get a smile out of him.
As we were driving back to the cabin there was a small patch of bright orange trees up on the mountain so I zoomed in to get as good of a picture as I could. I couldn't believe how orange they were since usually they're more of a bright yellow.
That night I put Olivia's hair in sock curls so that her hair would be done for church so this is the next morning before heading home.
It was getting colder and so Ashton wanted to snuggle on the couch.
And Kaleb kept us warm with a fire.
This girl loves sleeping with stuffed animals. This is how we found her one night.
October 26, 2015
With Halloween on a Saturday school parties were the day before. Olivia came with me to drop off some supplies before their party.
Kaleb was Thor.
And Ashton a stormtrooper for the 2nd or 3rd time, he likes Star Wars. I helped with his class party and we made name skeletons that we decorated with stickers and light up jack-o-lanterns made with orange balls that they decorated. I was too busy to take any pictures but they turned out really cute. Ashton added a bowtie and mustache to his skeleton and he liked having his own Halloween decoration in his room with the pumpkin he made.
That night my parents had their ward trunk-or-treat so we went with them to that. The kids always come away with tons of candy.
And Kaleb added an eye patch to his costume for some reason?
I didn't get any pictures of Halloween night, I wasn't very good at documenting Halloween this time but Matt took pictures of the boys' pumpkins. Kaleb and Ashton each went trick-or-treating with friends and Matt took Olivia around for awhile but she didn't care to stay out too long.
October 31, 2016