The boys had another fun soccer season and I guess I didn't take any pictures of them playing this time. These pictures are during one of Ashton's practice's. Olivia loved playing on the playground while we waited for practice to end.
September 2, 2014
Lately Kaleb doesn't want me to take his picture or if I'm lucky to catch him when he doesn't turn his head away I get a face like this.
Our sprinkler valve was leaking so Matt was out fixing it and Olivia had to be right there with tools in hand to help. She loves helping her daddy.
September 3, 2014
The weekend my uncle put the floors in at our cabin my aunt helped Ashton build this squirrel house that he designed out of scraps. He even made a surrender flag. I finally remembered to take a picture of it. He'll put food inside when we leave and it's always gone whenever we come back to the cabin.
September 6, 2014
The boys brought two of their friends up to the cabin for the day and I went down to the river with them and they had a blast. It's not deep but they had fun throwing rocks and playing in the water. They had to be careful not to slip since they weren't in swimming suits and I think Kaleb was the only one to fall all the way in. We were there for over 2 hours and Olivia would either throw rocks or run into the water and say cold and run back out like she's doing here.
The boys are great about playing with Olivia and taking her on walks to help us out. Here they had gotten her a popsicle and they were all sitting on the top step eating them together.
September 13, 2014
That night before leaving I tried to take more pictures of our progress. We now had the counter-tops in and the plumbing was pretty much finished except for the washer plumbing in the basement.
Can you see Kaleb in this picture? It was almost 11:00pm (which at that time in the renovations was an early night to call it quits) and Kaleb couldn't stay up any longer.
Ashton on the other hand seemed to have endless energy that night which is unusual for him, he likes his sleep.
This door is to the 1/2 bathroom.
The vanity was put together but not installed yet.
The full bath was coming along. The tub was hooked up to the plumbing but we still had to install the vanity and put in the toilet.
Matt was able to cut and put up most of the paneling that day too. There is some drywall in the bathrooms because there wasn't enough paneling that we salvaged to cover all of the walls since some of the walls didn't have any when we bought it but the main area still has the original paneling.
This is the upstairs bedroom where Matt and I sleep and Olivia in the pack-n-play slept in here for awhile too.
Here's the loft area outside of the bedroom. You can see the walkway to the upper deck,which needs a new railing. The boys sleep on the bunk bed (twin over full) and we will eventually carpet upstairs but for now we have rugs down to cover the floor until we have the money for it. There is also a queen bed on the left now and Olivia's pack-n-play where she sleeps is next to it.
During the day Olivia is always climbing on my desk to get to the pens but this day she was having fun playing underneath my desk.
September 17, 2014
This weekend we were having family up for dinner on Sunday so that Saturday we had to finish getting sinks and the toilet in. The leaves were starting to turn yellow and it was so pretty.
September 20, 2014
On Sunday after the dedication we headed up to the cabin for dinner. We had sliders, twice baked potatoes, baked beans, veggies, fruit and s'mores with homemade ice cream for dessert. It was yummy!
This was the one weekend it was rainy and so unfortunately it was muddy so we put out cardboard to try to help the situation. (On 10/25/14 we put gravel around so solve the mud problem - 28 tons of it!) Olivia likes marshmallows and doesn't care about roasting them.
September 21, 2014
Not sure how many are in her mouth!
The sun finally came out towards the end of the evening.
Olivia's shoes had so much mud caked on them, she didn't care to stay on the "path".
The picture with everyone in it is on my uncles camera but here's part of the group!
The kids had their school carnival and it's the highlight of the year for them. They love it and Olivia even had fun on all of the blow-ups. Kaleb went in the dunking booth twice and it was funny to watch the anticipation on his face knowing with each throw he might go in the water.
September 22, 2014
Matt and I took off a couple of days to try to catch up with our house/yard work that had been neglected all summer since we spent every weekend up at the cabin. We were never home and when we were home we were always playing catch-up on laundry and everything else. After school one of the days we went with my cousin and his kids to the aquarium.
Olivia wouldn't put her head in this penguin cut out.
September 25, 2014
Olivia loved the "fishy's" and "tweet-tweets".
The older kids pretending to be eaten by the shark.
I loved that there was hardly anyone there. We were the only ones at the sting ray exhibit. I wish they were open later than 6pm during the week so we could actually during the week.
Olivia liked riding on the little killer whale.
Nobody wanted to hold still long enough for a good picture so this is all I got. After we went to Del Taco for dinner and to let the kids run around some more.

The next day since we had work off right after school we loaded up the kids and headed to the cabin to stay the night. We hadn't ever gone up the road from our cabin since we were always rushing to get as much work done as possible and maximize our time when we were there so we decided to go on a long walk up the road and check out the other cabins.
September 26, 2014
The dogs that live close by and have come to play before found us on our walk and the kids played fetch for 30 minutes with them. Olivia isn't scared at all of the dogs and loved throwing the sticks for them to get.
They followed us up the road a little and then their owner's came to get them. They are the nicest dogs and love kids. They told us we could come and get them to play anytime.
I can't get enough of the scenery. I love being in the mountains and even Kaleb and Ashton are always saying how pretty it is. It's been so much fun to be outdoors as a family more.
Ashton wanted a picture with Olivia.
The next morning it was cold and it was going to rain most of the day and so we had planned on leaving around noon to head home and get stuff done around the house. It was fun watching the clouds and storms roll in.
September 27, 2014
The kids started swimming lessons and Matt and Olivia get to swim together. She loves the water but doesn't like floating on her back very much. That night we had tickets for the Real game and it rained most of the time so we left about 20 minutes before it ended because everyone was getting cold. Especially Matt since not even 5 minutes after the game started the guy behind Matt dumped his full beer cup all over Matt and soaked him from his hat on down. The guy was really sorry about it and even bought drinks for our kids but Matt didn't enjoy smelling like beer the whole night.
September 30, 2014