It's about time I finish blogging 2013 now that 2014 is almost half over! :)
Here's the front and back of our Christmas Card we sent out.
My mom and I were able to go to the Festival of Tree's the night they bid on all of the trees since there was a tree decorated for Eli. It was the night we had a really bad storm during the afternoon and it took us over an hour to go 3 blocks down state street but we made it there just in time. His tree was beautiful and was covered in shoes. They had also just set Eli's headstone right before and so after we were able to go up really quick and see his headstone.
December 3, 2013

The boys made gingerbread (graham cracker) houses with my mom and sister. They didn't last long before they started eating all of the candy off of them.
December 9, 2013
We don't have an elf on the shelf but Olaf came to stay with us during the month just to hang out with us. Most nights he just moved around the living room and sometimes he was too lazy to do anything :) but this night Olaf decided to roast some marshmallows. The boys had fun finding him each morning, even if he was in the same place.
December 16, 2013
Kaleb loves to draw, color, or create anything. He's always working on some sort of project and is really good at drawing. At Sunday dinner he made this pop-up card for my aunt.
Christmas Eve was at my parents house. We exchanged presents and had dinner. Olivia loved her Minnie Mouse phone and books. She loves anything Minnie Mouse these days.
December 24, 2013
Ashton being Ashton!
I'm not usually in the pictures so I had to sneak one with Olivia.
This year we set up the kids' tree in the living room so we had 2 trees. It's always so much fun to decorate the trees and see the ornaments the boys have made at school and the ornaments we collected from our trips.
December 25, 2013
Olaf wanted to wait by the cookies and milk to catch a glimpse of Santa.
Olivia's pile.
So hard to get a decent picture with all 3 of them!
Lots of surprise there!
Olivia got some princess dolls and a couple of frozen toys but she mostly cared about her stocking filled with dum dum suckers.
She kept giving her baby dolls kisses.
The boys have a Santa shop at school and pick out things for each person in the family. Kaleb got me a glass nativity ornament and Ashton got me a necklace. It's always fun to see what they pick out for everyone.
After presents my parents and sister came over and we made breakfast and the boys played with their toys. Later Olivia and I took a nap and then we headed to my aunt and uncles for Christmas dinner.
Olivia was so excited to get a stroller and shopping cart she had to push them both at the same time. She didn't want to leave one behind.
Olivia loves to climb in the cradle they keep in the living room and here she was even sucking on the doll's bottle. We had such a great Christmas and Olivia loved unwrapping presents.
A couple days later the boys made a destroyer ship out of a huge box at my parents house. There were all sorts of things attached and drawn on the box.
December 27, 2014
There's a glimpse into our December. It's always a busy time of year but also a fun time of year!