October was a great month, and we loved that it stayed really warm through most of the month.
Olivia loves books and will usually carry one around with her. This is also the month of the 'bam bam' hair where it was too long to leave down and it would get in her face but when you pull it up there was so little that it stuck straight up.
October 2, 2013
Olivia turned 1 on October 4th and she wasn't really into opening presents so Kaleb had to help her. But once they were opened she wanted them out of the package and became more interested in them.
October 4, 2013
We celebrated her birthday with family the following Sunday.
October 6, 2013
This group of pictures shows what she thought of the whole cake thing. At first she was scared of the candle, then when we started singing she thought we were all crazy and didn't know what was going on. Then she started to put a couple of fingers in the frosting and eventually learned it was easier just to suck the frosting off the cake. She actually never even got to the cake part before she was done eating and wanted out of the high chair.

She always loves a bath so a quick sink bath after her cake really made her day!
One Saturday we were moving furniture around at my parents house and Olivia loved climbing on everything.
October 12, 2013
I tried another sewing project but this was the first time I've made a clothing item for myself. I used THIS TUTORIAL for making a High Low Maxi Skirt. My fabric is 2 layers because the top fabric had a sheer stripe so I did everything the same but just with 2 skirt sections. Definitely could use some work on my clothing sewing skills but it turned out pretty good and I enjoy wearing it because it's so comfortable.
October 13, 2013

Since Matt was taking a picture of the skirt I figured I needed a picture with Olivia since I'm usually the one behind the camera. We were just getting ready to leave for church.
Matt took the kids to the Lego store to play and look at all of the Lego's. As you can see Olivia wasn't really into the whole Lego store experience like her brothers are. I think we have a Lego obsession problem in our house and it's not just the boys, Matt is also obsessed with them. No matter how hard he tries the he can't keep them organized like he would like (by color, size, etc.) but he does have them inventoried and I won't even say how many Lego pieces we own. The bottom picture was Matt's Lego shelf he made to display SOME of the minifigures. The shelf holds about 250 of them. I keep thinking one day the boys will want something other than Lego's for Christmas and their birthdays but it hasn't happened yet! But at least they build with them all the time.
October 14, 2013
Here's Olivia hanging out at Kaleb's flag football games. Most of the time you only needed a jacket, if that but there were a couple games in the morning that were a little chilly but Olivia never complained.
October 22/29, 2013
We love going to the Haunted Woods in Murray Park. While in line Ashton had fangs painted on and Kaleb had a pumpkin painted on his cheek. It's fun for little kids who aren't old enough to go to a real haunted house plus it's cheap and you get a doughnut and hot chocolate after.
October 23, 2013
You can't have fall without playing in the leaves at least once. Olivia wasn't really a fan on sitting in the leaves but the boys loved jumping in them and burying each other.
October 25, 2013
October 25, 2013
Kaleb had a great coach for flag football. I'm glad their coach let them call their own plays in the huddles and didn't take it too seriously. There were some other coaches who definitely took it too seriously and so I'm always grateful for great coaches and the kids really enjoyed playing.
October 26, 2013
Our ward wasn't able to have a trunk-or-treat this year with some last minute conflicts and so we went to my parent's ward's trunk-or-treat. I made Olivia's owl costume and she actually kept it on the whole time. I thought she would take the headband off since she always pulls of anything on her head but she didn't seem to mind it at all. Ashton wanted to be a red power ranger for Halloween but then wouldn't wear it for the trunk-or-treat or Halloween, but he wears it all the time for dress-up so he ended up as a storm tropper. Also, the Tonto costume my sister bought on clearance and it's a size 5 but Ashton also wouldn't wear it. So Kaleb wore it so I had to made the long sleeves in to short sleeves and add some fabric to the bottom of the shirt. But they loved running around and playing games with all of the other kids.
October 26, 2013
Her costume was a little big to scrunch into the stroller but it kept her warm.
Olivia always has the best bed-head hair in the morning.
October 28, 2013
We get the worst parent's award on pumpkin carving because this was the first time we've ever carved pumpkins for Halloween. It's messy and I don't enjoy it and the boys never asked to carve our pumpkins so we just never did it. But this year we had 3 huge pumpkins and they were excited to carve them.
Ashton's posing...these were the 2 pictures I had to choose from...I love boys!
October 30, 2013
They thought scooping out the insides was slimy and gross. (And Olivia watched with a sucker from her high chair.)
Kaleb wanted to carve Bowser, Ashton drew his own design and we carved the last pumpkin with Jack Skellington which is what Ashton originally wanted. The pumpkins were so thick we used a drywall saw to cut them with but it worked really well.
I took a quick picture of the boys in their classrooms after the Halloween parade at school. They always walk so fast I can never get a good picture of them during the parade.
October 31, 2013
That pretty much sums up our October!