Kaleb's birthday party was a blast!
His favorite thing right now is Lego Star Wars so that was the theme. Here is the invitation we sent out.

The one thing I really wanted to try to do was to make Lego shaped gummies by making my own Lego mold. I was also going to make Lego shaped ice but we decided on Capri Suns so we didn't need any ice. I bought
copyflex liquid silicone and used
this tutorial and
this video to make my mold and gummies. The mold was easy to make and although the gummies were time consuming it was worth it.

I bought pool noodles at the dollar store and we used black electrical tape and the shiny duct tape to make handles. The boys loved being able to beat each other up with them and they each took one home with them.

Once everyone arrived we had pizza and watermelon for lunch. We had set up a painting tarp with a kiddie pool full of Matt's lego's and this was a big hit with the boys. A couple of them didn't want to leave the area to eat or play.

The only structured game we played was pin the saber on Darth Vader. I almost put together Lego Star Wars Bingo but I'm glad I didn't because it was hard enough keeping their attention for this short game.

Next we had cupcakes and opened presents. With making the gummies I knew I wouldn't have time to make a cake so I found some awesome cupcake topper light sabers and storm tropper/Darth Vader rings. It was easy and the boys loved having the toppers to keep.

After presents we let the boys run around and they played with their light sabers and the Lego's until their parents came to pick them up.

We had goodie bags with a small Lego Star Wars ship set, a storm trooper wrist band and a bag full of Lego gummies. When I was first making the invitations my program I design them in kicked me out right as I was almost done and I lost everything so in a hurry I quickly remade them and printed them at Costco. Luckily before putting them in envelopes I realized in my rushing I forgot to re-put the date on the invites. So the first batch of invites I chopped off the top to make the top of the goodie-bag. So at least they weren't completely a waste of money.

Kaleb had fun and hopefully all of the boys did too.
Later that night Matt and I were invited to go to the Real Salt Lake soccer game with a couple of guys from his department. An attorney they work with bought a suite at the game and it wasn't just a box up top but it was in the patio area where you have a fancy buffet and they serve you drinks and desserts. It was by far the best way ever to watch a soccer game, or any sporting event for that matter. Awesome seats, food, parking and after that's where a couple of players sign autographs but we didn't stay for that.

The only downside was that One Republic was supposed to have a concert right after the game and 3 days before they cancelled and rescheduled for September. We would have had the best seats to watch it from. But even without the concert it was awesome and it was nice to have a date night with no kids!
We tried taking a picture with the mascot after but the guy holding our camera wasn't holding his hand still so this is the best shot of the 3 he took.