I've only taken 1 picture and 1 video in the last month so there isn't much to blog about.
Ashton is at such a fun age and does the funniest things but also is at the terrible 3's and the destructive, trouble making stage. (In my experience 3 is worse than 2 so I call them the terrible 3's.) He loves to dance in the car, make funny faces and is constantly making us laugh. And his "karate" is funny to watch. But he also will color on ANYTHING in sight if he finds a crayon, pen, etc. and he is stubborn. For example, yesterday he wouldn't clean up some toys he dumped out and it took 4 hours of fits and crying before he cleaned it up because I wouldn't give him milk until he did. Kaleb was never this stubborn. But I was proud for not giving in, 4 hours almost broke me though.
The other morning he asked me to turn up the radio and I looked in the rear view mirror and he was wearing his safety goggles and dancing to the music. Would have made for a better video but I was driving so I snapped a quick picture.

This video was to explain why most of my pictures of Ashton are of funny faces and not of him smiling. As soon as I say I'm taking a picture or smile he starts with the funny faces.
What else...
- We're excited for Disneyland/San Diego next month. So excited that I think that's my first bullet on every 'list' I make.
- I'm running the Thanksgiving Point 1/2 Marathon at the end of April and Kaleb is running the 1 mile kids fun run. I signed up for the Odgen Full Marathon (back in Oct. after the 1/2 marathon sold out in 5 days) and between the crappy weather we've had on most Saturday's and the fact that our trip is right before I didn't really dedicate all of the time I needed to for a full marathon. But since I paid for it I'm going to go and run as far as I can even if it's just another 1/2. It's one of the top 10 marathons in the country and I'm sure the scenery will be worth is.
- For the first time ever my birthday is on Easter this year. I don't understand how they determine when Easter is, sometimes it's in March, this year the end of April, I guess I should study up on it sometime.
- Kaleb smashed his finger a couple weeks ago in a door and had to have it wrapped up for just over a week and then the next night had food poisoning, poor guy. But he recovered quick and is excited for his big race. He went running a couple of weeks ago with me and we went 2 miles to my parents and he did pretty good. He even wanted to hold my hand for part of it. It was sweet, especially since I know that won't last forever.
- Have you ever had a Dole Pineapple Whip or Float at Disneyland by the Tiki Room? My cousin and I were talking about it and he told me you could buy the mix online from Dole and in doing a little research there are copy cat recipes but they usually call for some sort of milk product to make it creamy. But their product is a lactose free soft serve so I didn't even want to bother with trying a copy cat recipe. I bought the mix and have it at home waiting for me to try it out, hopefully this weekend. Again, can you tell we're a little excited for Disneyland and anything and everything Disney. And there's enough mix to make 75, 1/2 c. servings so I'm sure we'll be having alot of it this summer!