We were gone for both Christmas and New Year's and so we're still recovering from the mess we brought home. We've been cleaning and getting rid of things we don't need and trying to get things organized and put away. It will be nice when it's done but right now it's pretty messy at our house.
The Monday before Christmas we celebrated with my side of the family with a dinner and exchanging gifts.

Tuesday night it was off to Colorado, we didn't leave until 7pm and then got lost in Spanish Fork for an hour due to the construction and exits being changed. We stayed the night in Fruita, CO and spent the next morning swimming heading to Matt's parents. John (Matt's brother) and Jamie and their kids Steve, Kendra and Joshua were able to come down too. We had alot of fun and everyone got along great.
The boys all had haircuts the next morning (Ashton was overdue) and Kaleb requested a mohawk after. There were crafts for the kids to make and Matt and I even made something too.

Ashton and Kendra are really close in age and were so much alike. They were milk buddies with their sippy's and they both love to help cook. They helped make the rolls for Christmas dinner.

Christmas Eve Joshua was blessed. It was nice to be able to be there since we usually can't make it for the cousin's blessings. We decided to take a family picture and pictures with the grandkids, which was hard since someone was always moving.

Usually about 4:30pm Ashton and Kendra would crash from all the fun. Ashton loved Ginger, John and Jamie's dog and loved running around with her.
And then there's Christmas morning. Cookies, milk and carrots were left for Santa and the reindeer and they were so excited to see what he left. The boys started sorting the presents into piles right away. It's so much fun to watch kids on Christmas morning.

Thursday of the next week we had our annual trip up to Sherwood Hill's Resort just outside of Logan. We look forward to this trip every year because it's our relaxation after the holidays. We spent alot of time at the pool and went bowling and saw Narnia.

It's been a busy, crazy couple of weeks but we've had so much fun with family and wouldn't have it any other way! We're excited for a new year with new adventures!