Kaleb is at his first day of first grade today. Ashton doesn't know what to do without his buddy. Every couple of minutes it's "Where's bruh-bruh?" (brother) or "I need to get bruh-bruh" or "I miss bruh-bruh." Kaleb was most excited about eating lunch at school. We're trying the school lunch to see how he does with that. They give them 5 choices, one of them being peanut butter and jelly everyday so even if he isn't interested in other 4 options there's always PB&J.

We had a great time in Yellowstone although it was cold. We had to bundle up most of the time but every so often the sun would come out. It only rained one night but there was alot of rain so we did get water in our tent. I'm glad we were on air mattresses.
Kaleb and Ashton loved seeing all of the animals and geysers. We only did the lower loop of the park and maybe in a couple of years we'll go again to see the upper loop. Here are some (okay, alot) of pictures.
Kaleb really wanted binoculars and so the first day we bought him some. I didn't think he would be interested in them after the first day but he never took them off. He loved looking at everything through them.
Kaleb and Matt looking at the Teton's.

Hidden Falls above Jenny Lake in the Teton's.

The boat ride back to the other side of Jenny Lake.

Ashton and his hair twin on the Jackson Hole Tram ride. The boys loved the tram.

A wagon ride at the Bar J Wrangler's dinner.

The water was really blue.

We enjoyed the warm steam coming from the geyser's.

Waiting for Old Faithful.

We saw it 3 times and luckily the first time wasn't windy or extremely cold. The 2nd and 3rd time the wind blew the water into the crowds of people and so the steam blocked you from really seeing much of the geyser.

Although we didn't see any bears we saw just about everything else.

Yellowstone Falls

Volcano Pot

Yellowstone Lake
The lake is huge, I took this picture as we were in the car stopped for wildlife on the road.

The last night at our campground we walked down to the river so Kaleb and Ashton could throw rocks.

We even saw a deer crossing the river while we were there.

It was a fun trip with Matt's parents and we're glad we were able to go. This world is an amazing place and I loved looking at all of the amazing scenery.