Monday, August 31, 2009


Kaleb loved his first day of Kindergarten! I knew he would, he loves being around other kids and has always loved preschool. He gave me a hug and then stood in his line waiting for the bell to ring. He has 2 friends from his soccer team in his class and one of them is also in his primary class. I hope the 3 of them don't cause too much trouble. Funny story, I was talking to Kaleb about being polite and having good manners before school and when I picked him up he said, "Guess what mom, I didn't fart in class!" Then he went on to explain how instead he went to the restroom and farted in there but that it was okay because there wasn't anyone else in there. Boys, gotta love 'em.

Ashton now sleeps in a big boy bed. He only fell off once (so far) but we have a crib mattress on the floor just in case he does. Kaleb loves to read a story to him at night. Ashton loves to kick his feet when he's laying down drinking milk. The room was dark other than a nightlight and they were so cute to watch.

Then when I was going to bed I checked in on them and this is how they were both sleeping. They're always all over the place. No wonder Ashton fell off.

Ashton's curls. When combed straight his hair goes about 5 inches down his back. I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to cut this.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Colorado Trip

I'm finally posting pictures from Colorado from July. We've had friends staying with us the last couple of weeks and things are really busy with summer ending. Kaleb starts soccer this week and they asked if Matt or I would coach his team since nobody signed up. So I'm going to coach his team which should be fun. Kaleb is registered for Kindergarten and starts on August 31st. They start 1 week later than the 1st-6th graders.

The weekend started with a trip to an old mine. The boys liked the mine but I think Ashton enjoyed feeding and watching the chipmunks the most. After going through the museum part we went on a drive up the canyon to look at what was left of all of the old mining structures.

Here's Ashton waiting for lunch after the mine.

All of the boy cousins loved running in the sprinklers to cool off. Ashton on the other hand didn't like the cold water and preferred to cool off on the porch with some milk.

One of the days I went with Matt, his brother, and dad to a shooting range. This was the only picture I took because I was too busy shooting and loading clips. I was standing to the side and behind Matt while he was shooting, keeping my distance and all of a sudden I felt something hit my stomach. I thought maybe a shell hit me, even though it would have had to fly pretty far to hit me but it really hurt so I felt my stomach and there was a piece of metal stuck in my shirt. Part of the bullet had hit me and even though the metal piece didn't go through the 4 layers of fabric it hit hard enough to make me bleed and left a pretty good sized bruise the next day. So now I can tell everyone Matt shot me!

Even though they don't have Pioneer Day in Colorado it was the Ski Hi Stampede and so we were able to enjoy parades, a rodeo and carnival rides. Matt and I even went country dancing the last night we were there. We had a blast and we even remembered some of the steps we learned at BYU-Idaho. It was a fun filled weekend and a nice break from work.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bibs and Burp Rags

I haven't had time to go through our Colorado pictures yet but here are some bibs that I made for my friend's baby boy Conner that is due next month. I'm NOT a sewer and so if I can make them so can you. I also made a blanket out of flannel. (It sounds so crafty, "made" but really I attached two pieces of flannel together by sewing them, pretty simple)

(These were taken late at night in poor lighting so they don't look as good as in person)

I did alot of research and I used the bib template from Chick Pea Studio that you can find HERE. I used terry cloth for the back so that they're more absorbant and just any fabric I liked on the front. There are so many options and you can add whatever you want to the front of them. You first sew around the edges (wrong sides together) leaving a 2 inch opening at the bottom and then turn it right side out. Iron, and then sew along the edge again. (If you're adding things like the elephant to the front be sure to do all of that before you sew the bib together) I used snaps instead of velcro. I made matching burp rags and the blanket using the same steps.
Here are 2 other tutorials that were helpful to me: Homemade By Jill & Happy Things