Saturday I took Ashton to JCPenney's to take his 6 month pictures. I took his white diaper cover so that I could get pictures without the tacky diaper in the pictures. I LOVED how they turned out. I was so excited because out of the 4 years we've been going there I thought they were the best pictures yet. Well, here comes the bummer part. They called me just now and said that their server crashed Saturday night and lost all the pictures they took on Saturday. They said its never happened before and are giving me lots of free pictures to make up for it but I'm still really bummed out. I hope Ashton takes just as good of pictures this Saturday. I scanned in the printout they gave me since it's all I have to show. Here are some that were taken, P7 was my favorite shot. But as bummed as I am I can't beat the price and I've never had any problems before so I'll keep going to JCPenney for our pictures.