Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Autumn Is Here

Yesterday we went up Millcreek Canyon to look at the leaves and go for a walk. Kaleb loves running around in the mountains. He loves the water, rocks, and sticks, just like any other boy does. We had a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa Snell this weekend. On Monday we went to Thanksgiving Point and Gardner Village. Kaleb loved Farm Country. He went on a couple of pony rides and a wagon ride and loved the horses. As soon as we got off of the wagon ride he wanted to go again. He also loved feeding the chickens and goats.

Kaleb is getting anxious for his baby brother to come out. "Only five more days" he keeps saying. I wish I only had that much longer. We keep trying to explain that it won't be until after Christmas to try to put it into perspective for him.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Halloween Time!

I can't believe it's October! This year is going by so fast. My mom and sister came over to help Kaleb make Halloween cookies. We bought the cookie cutters a couple of weeks ago and he would ask everyday when we were making ghost cookies.

Kaleb is going to be a pirate for Halloween. Matt and I aren't sure what we're dressing up as. I'm not sure what will work with my belly but I'm sure we can come up with something.