Hopefully this blog will make it easier for family to keep up with what's going on in our family. As most of you know we're expecting baby #2 February 13, 2008. We're very excited and so far everything is going great. Kaleb is excited to have a baby brother or a baby sister. It changes just about everyday.

Kaleb turned 3 in June. He loves playing at the park and going swimming. It will be sad when the pool at our apartment closes for the winter because it has been so convenient.
Matt starts school at the University of Utah next week. Only two more years, hopefully. I'm still managing apartments. We recently had a drunk man run into an apartment through the window and that was definitely one of the more exciting things that's happened lately. I can't believe it's been over 3 years that I've been managing apartments. It's definitely worth it but I will also be happy when we aren't in an apartment anymore.

In June we went to the Havasupai Indian Reservation where you hike about 12 miles down to a campground and there are waterfalls to swim in and it's really pretty. It's part of the southern side of the grand canyon. I've been 3 times and Matt is already excited about going again. After the trip we went and stayed in Payson, Arizona and we were able to see where Matt was born and raised. He said nothing has really
changed from what he remembered. They have a lot of the same schools and stores when they lived there. Then we were able to go up to Colorado where Kaleb was staying with all of his cousins. It sounds like they had a busy but fun week.
And yes, if you look close that is Matt jumping off of the waterfall.
As brave as he may look he sure took his time until he finally had the courage to jump. Some may ask why I didn't jump but I've jumped off of this waterfall on a previous trip and I already knew I was pregnant (even though no one else did) and I know how hard you hit the water. So I didn't think it was a very good idea, so, I let Matt have all the fun!

Kaleb turned 3 in June. He loves playing at the park and going swimming. It will be sad when the pool at our apartment closes for the winter because it has been so convenient.
Matt starts school at the University of Utah next week. Only two more years, hopefully. I'm still managing apartments. We recently had a drunk man run into an apartment through the window and that was definitely one of the more exciting things that's happened lately. I can't believe it's been over 3 years that I've been managing apartments. It's definitely worth it but I will also be happy when we aren't in an apartment anymore.

In June we went to the Havasupai Indian Reservation where you hike about 12 miles down to a campground and there are waterfalls to swim in and it's really pretty. It's part of the southern side of the grand canyon. I've been 3 times and Matt is already excited about going again. After the trip we went and stayed in Payson, Arizona and we were able to see where Matt was born and raised. He said nothing has really
And yes, if you look close that is Matt jumping off of the waterfall.